This day is to encourage awareness of volunteerism by “stepping out and volunteering together” with your daughters or younger women. By volunteering, they are helping others while also building stronger characters. The younger woman, stepping out with enthusiasm, compassion and charity to volunteer, improves her community and builds a stronger nation.
Teaching young children and teens that giving back is a wonderful way to receive is not only a contribution to society, but a character building activity with rewards that go far beyond the day’s activity. In this world of greed and need, it’s the ones who sacrifice for others who make a real difference. Where would Haiti be without the volunteer efforts of so many? Where would the homeless in metropolitan areas be without the help of volunteers? Have you ever seen the cheer in a patient’s face when the “candy striper” comes by to bring a gift or a smile to a dreary hospital room?
Volunteers truly are a staple that makes the world a better place. Teaching children to perform acts of generosity without expecting anything in return is a valuable lesson. So many people refuse to do anything that doesn’t provide some kind of financial reward, but for those who have done volunteer work; you know that the gift of being able to help someone who cannot help themselves is priceless. There’s also the simple truth to keep in mind that what goes around comes around, and again, those of you who know – know.

Their volunteer programs are unique in every way. Their global infrastructure supports thousands of international volunteers each year and over 250 sustainable community initiatives. More than 250 CCS in-country staff members are working year-round, ensuring that you are volunteering with a project that interests you and is contributing directly to the goals of each community. No other short-term international volunteer program has such a global presence and community-centered approach toward volunteering abroad.
Donation $5
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