Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 114: International Moment of Laughter Day

International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, "laughter is the best medicine".  Moment of Laughter Day is also known as National Moment of Laughter Day, and plain old Moment of Laughter Day. We don't care whether you celebrate today as a local, national, or international day. What's important is that you bring about laughter (and happiness) to those you come in contact with today.

Origin of "Moment of Laughter Day": Humorologist Izzy Gesell created Moment of Laughter Day to encourage people to laugh

To encourage more people to laugh, he invites America and the whole world to join in the fun today, and everyday in fact, the planet's International Moment of Laughter Day. You can celebrate by:
  • laughing out loud at the funny cards in a greeting card shop
  • calling a friend to share a funny story
  • buying a "laugh-box" in a joke shop and turning it on at work or at home
  • showing your baby pictures to someone who's never seen them
  • thinking up your own way to get someone else to laugh with you
  • or just laughing for no apparent reason at al

Researchers have begun to examine positive emotions and their impact on a person's health and aging process. Based on the results from a scientific study at the University of Maryland Medical Center, laughter may give a jolt to circulation and have positive effects on the heart. In addition, laughter may increase the body's production of nitric oxide (a chemical that helps dilate blood vessels).

All of these positive impacts on your health are reason enough to laugh not just today, but every day! So go ahead and be silly and laugh at your own jokes. And don't forget that laughter is contagious!

Laughter is a way to bring joy to those children who have many challenges in their lives that hinder laughter. Childhood is a treasure and a right. Children embody our richest aspirations, yet they are also our poorest, most vulnerable minority, defenseless in the face of abuse, neglect, homelessness and poverty.

In New York City, well over 14,000 children sleep in shelters every night and every day over 600,000 children go hungry because they live in households in which parents must regularly choose between paying the rent and buying food. Last year, almost 70,000 children were reported victims of child abuse or neglect. Each and every day, hunger, homelessness, physical and emotional abuse, abandonment, neglect, substance abuse, substandard housing, failing schools and disease endanger children’s welfare and undermine their future.

The Association to Benefit Children (ABC) was created to amplify the voices of defenseless children by combating the debilitating effects of poverty and championing the right of every child to a joyful and nurturing childhood. ABC creates model programs that are easily replicable, compassionate, comprehensive, cost-effective and sustainable. Through them and through widespread advocacy efforts to enact far-reaching and lasting solutions, ABC has brought relief, tenderness, joy and hope to many thousands of disadvantaged children.

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