Wednesday, January 5, 2011


National Bird Day is an annual holiday with half a million adherents who celebrate through birdwatching, studying birds, and other bird-related activities. Bird adoption is a particularly important National Bird Day activity.  According to the newspaper Atlantic Journal Constitution, many bird enthusiasts celebrate by adopting birds and by educating future bird owners about the special issues involved with taking care of birds, including their "screaming, biting, constant cleanups, the need for daily interaction and a varied diet". National Bird Day takes place every year on the fifth day of the first month. (Wikipedia)

Today is also one of my sister-in-law’s birthdays. Lisa owns an Italian restaurant on the perimeter of the Ballona Wetlands in the Playa Del Rey, California. I grew up around these wetlands and witnessed them shrink, from urban development.

In honor of Lisa’s birthday and National Bird Day, today’s donation is given to Friends of Ballona Wetlands who have been protecting and restoring the Ballona Wetlands for over 32 years with the help of more than 65,000 volunteers.  Friends of Ballona Wetlands’ mission is to champion the restoration and protection of the Ballona Wetlands, involving and educating the public as advocates and stewards. These wetlands are a rest stop and fueling source for migrating birds that fly along the Pacific flyway, which is roughly a 7,500-mile migratory route extending from the southern tip of South America to northern Alaska.  The wetlands are also a nursery for young fishes, a water filtration system for urban runoff from the Los Angeles area, a groundwater recharge, and flood buffer for local communities

Donations help support tours for school groups from kindergarten through university as well as our community programs and help fund Friend of Ballona Wetlands' ongoing stewardship with the state.
Happy Birthday Lisa!

Donation: $5

If you wish to support, please visit:

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